Mission Statement
Village to Village is a Christian non-profit organization that builds relationships here and abroad while providing sustainable resources, so that communities in need are able to move towards self-sufficiency.
“It Takes A Village”
If we allow those words to really sink in and change our thinking, then it will become an automatic response to pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru, volunteer at your local food pantry, or get on a plane and fly halfway around the world to hand a child a soccer ball and watch their little face light up with joy.
This is what Village to Village is all about, this is what we want, and this is why we are here.
Village to Village is Christ-centered, compassion-driven, hope-filled people who want change, REAL change in this world, and we believe it can happen!
We are currently partnering with Adventures Guatemala to provide water filtration systems, install stoves and help supply food bags for the community. Bola De Ora is our main village that we work with in Guatemala. During our last trip we were able to host an event for moms of the children that attend an after school program in the community.
In Moldova we do training for foster care and after school, host a camp for kids in the small village of Carbuna and work with a local ministry on community needs. In Africa we are sponsoring children and have been able to help restock fish ponds for Restore Elikia, a ministry working with orphaned children in the Congo. We are beginning work in Paraguay, hoping to start libraries and train teachers to teach reading.
During the COVID season, we have been able to send funds for food bags for a ministry in India. We are praying about how to stay involved in the future in that country.
Locally we work with Church World Services, an organization helping refugees moving into the area with housing, school, English classes and jobs. Village to Village sets up homes for families as they move into our area.