Village to Village is a Christian non-profit organization that builds relationships here and abroad while providing sustainable resources, so that communities in need are able to move towards self-sufficiency.
Our ministry began in 2013 on a mission trip to Guatemala. After multiple trips to Guatemala, we began to adopt villages, provide sustainable resources and build relationships long term to help communities become self-sufficient. We began working with refugee families in 2018 to continue our mission to help each family move towards self-sufficiency as we welcome them to our community.
Our country is based on immigration, people coming from outside in. Remember what it took to create the US and we are still doing that through the refugee program.
We are continuing the tradition of immigration, refugees find safety and a sense of welcome in the United States. Jesus was a refugee, he came from a family that was being persecuted on a political level and they had to flee and find refuge.

What is a Refugee?
A refugee is someone who– fled their country of origin and has a well-founded fear for their:
Membership in a particular social group
Political Opinion
It’s important to remember: No one wants to be a refugee, it is a last resort, and literally because you are not safe anymore.
Why do refugees come to Harrisonburg?
Harrisonburg is a hub for diversity, has job opportunities, good agriculture, affordable housing, an excellent public transportation system, and a community already working with refugees.
What does it look like for a family to enter a new country?
There is a long process that refugees go through.
Church World Services (CWS) is a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement, and disaster.
We began partnering with Church World Services in 2018 and all the refugee families process through CWS. Through this process, homeland security has vetted them to come to our country.
CWS will take anyone that the headquarters asks us to take as long as we can take care of their needs. Once in Harrisonburg, CWS helps them with homes, jobs, English, employment, education, and health. Each family has a case worker that helps them through each step of the process.
What do we do with refugee families and how can you partner with us?
We facilitate home move-ins for each refugee family that arrives in Harrisonburg through Church World Services. This consists of collecting all the items on the Government provided required list and upon hearing of a family that has arrived, we assemble a volunteer team to transport all the items to the home and unload and set up the entire house.
Refugees may come with nothing material, but they come with creativity, knowledge, and skills from their home country. Economic studies show refugees are able to make our community stronger and more prosperous.
Ways to partner with us:
Finances always allow us to continue ministry internationally and locally - donations are always appreciated.