"Death has no sting"
I'm not sure I have ever understood this statement the way I do at this very moment. Today I lost my sister-in-law, my friend who was a wife, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, aunt, and follower of Jesus.
I can not stop the tears. The loss feels overwhelming. At the same time, I can't imagine the joy there is in Heaven over one that has come home, that is now healed completely and reunited with her family but most important with her Savior.
I can't be angry, she is now whole after twenty-six years of being paralyzed, losing her ability to care for herself and her family. Her young boys having to grow up way too soon to help their dad care for their mom. During her life, we saw the love, joy, and unbelievable trust in God regardless of the circumstances. When I begin to complain, I always remember her loss, her view of life, and her love of God.
In a world where it's normal to be dissatisfied with most things, she did not complain. When she had to be bathed, dressed, and fed, she did not complain. When she lost the ability to play the piano, after years of this being a core part of who she was, she did not complain. When she was in pain and tired, she did not complain. She spoke words of encouragement to others, she listened well, she worked hard, she loved with all of her heart.
She is in a new home today. A place she has known about all of her life. A place of restoration, healing, and wholeness. How can I be angry?
I honestly can not understand how to do life without her but I know I will see her again. My daughter posted the song, Thank You, Jesus, for the Blood, just days before her Aunt went to be with Jesus. We don't have to fear death when we know the Savior.
I miss you, Kathy, so much. You taught me how to be strong, loving, and a better person.
I can't wait to see you again. Death did not win, life has no end because of your choice to follow God.
Thank You Jesus for the Blood Charity Gayle
I was a wretch I remember who I was I was lost I was blind I was running out of time Sin separated The breach was far too wide But from the far side of the chasm You held me in your sight So You made a way Across the great divide Left behind Heavens throne To build it here inside And there at the cross You paid the debt I owed Broke my chains Freed my soul For the first I had hope Thank you Jesus for the blood applied Thank you Jesus it has washed me white Thank you Jesus You have saved my life Brought me from the darkness into glorious light You took my place Laid inside my tomb of sin You were buried for three days And then You walked right out again And now death has no sting And life has no end For I have been transformed By the blood of the lamb
